Melanie Martinez

Edgar Allan Poe

Shawn Mendes
I chose Melanie Martinez because I love her music, and I can relate to her songs on deep levels. I would love to get to know her more and hear her sing for me live, hah! Her songs have given me things I can relate to that no other artist has. Not to mention, she is my idol.
I chose Edgar Allan Poe because I love his writing. He dared to be different and brought darkness into the literacy world. Most people thought he was insane, which, clinically, he was, and I can relate t that more than I'd care to admit. Not only does his writing reach into the depths of your soul, but it also pulls out a piece of you you didn't know you had.
Call me a stereotypical white girl, but, yes, I did choose Shawn Mendes. Everyone thinks of me as some emo (which I'm not, nor do I appreciate it) weirdo, so this is quite controversial. I never saw myself liking Shawn Mendes. He was just another pretty Magcon boy. Well, since no one reads my blog I'll put this out here knowing no one will taunt me even more so for it, on my way to the hospital, Stitches the was the last song I heard before I was locked up in a barred window room with some tuna and pita bread. A week later, when I was discharged, the first song that I heard was, again, Stitches. Not only did I love that song, but that song was also there to let me down gently and pick me back up. Going into Northwest Behavioral Hospital was the worst place in the world, but Shawn pulled me out of it. Not only that, but I gre to love his music and pretty Magcon boy ways.
With my three amigos, I would probably take them to National Park where we would snack on Sour Patch Kids and discuss things. We would probably talk about music, I'd spill my heart out to them, and I feel like, somehow, we would all connect in some way. I can't say for sure what would happen, but I know that it would be the best day ever!