Credits to Red because Red is cool

Monday, March 13, 2017

Mield Mrip Not Field Trip

I apologize for the late blog post! My laptop broke, and I didn't know my sister's computer password (We were never home at the same time.)! In other words, I wasn't able to post, and I'm really sorry.

This week we are doing a blog post on the field trip we are taking this week. This Thursday, we are going to go to the Holocaust Museum. I have been happily awaiting this field trip because I pass by that place at least once week. I never knew what it was until this year actually.
While we are there I expect that we are going to learn about the Holocaust, specifically, concentration camps. We are probably going to learn about who was sent to the camps, how they survived, and what went on in there.
In all honesty, I don't know that much about the Holocaust. All I do know is that Hitler wanted eliminate all Jews, homosexuals, people who didn't agree with his political views, and more. It was a very traumatic time, and I'm sorry for what everyone who was in it. That is something I would never want to endure.
I can't wait for this field trip. I want to be enlightened on the topic. This is something that I'm definitely eager to learn about.

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