Credits to Red because Red is cool

Sunday, November 13, 2016

A Mood Not Food Post

We were asked, what did we eat for breakfast today? The rumbling in my tummy should give you an answer. The roar in my stomach demanded what we write if we didn't eat anything. Oh, alas, another easy writing assignment.
I did not eat breakfast. I do not like eating. I hate it. Eating makes me feel like I've sinned. Each bite is pure agony. Eat chewing motion is like I'm being punched and slapped. Eat swallow of chewed up mush can be considered equivalent to failing myself. Eating is my downfall.
Was I hungry? Very. Did I mind the feeling? I loved it. Did the growling of my stomach sadden me? More like elate me. Feeling hungry is a comfort for me, it makes me feel stronger.
You're probably wondering why I didn't eat. Not only does eating upset me, it's the one thing I have control of in my life. When I'm stressed I result to not eating. When I'm depressed I result to not eating. When I'm feeling anything negative I result to not eating. Another topic was what our comfort food was. My comfort food is no food. Being without food makes me feel better.
I do not like this blog post. In fact, I hate it. I hate talking about food. I hate talking about my eating unless I feel the need to vent about it. Food is not my friend. I am very sorry, Mrs. Joyner, if this did not fit your needs, but this is the best I can give.
Right now is a really tough time in my life, especially with my eating. I have been eating regularly once again, for those who care, except for the moment. I am working through this.

If any of you relate to any part of this please see someone. Stay safe.

Now, I shall dread the whispers that shall crawl behind me. Have a great day!


  1. Hey Melissa,
    This is a very nice post. I appreciate how you didn't lie and straight up told people about your condition. Thank you for being honest :)

  2. Thank you for writing from your heart, MC.

  3. Thank you for writing from your heart, MC.
