What kind of bologna is this?!" cried the officer. He flipped page after page, seeing basically an exact replica of the Burn Book from Swan Girls.
"Oh, officer! That mean, mean man over there wrote this book, I saw him do it!" Ron Swanson wailed, rolling himself onto the officer's desk and pointing at Swan "The Swan" Swanson. The officer guffawed at the sight and pushed Ron Swanson off his desk. "You're swansane!" swanned the officer. "Swan "The Swan" Swanson isn't the culprit! He's been by my side ever since we got married last June!"
Ron Swanson fell to the floor. "Swan "The Swan" Swanson is a swansexual? This so going ton my blog," Ron Swanson swanned. "Yeah, yeah," grunted the officer as he swancuffed Ron Swanson. "You're going in the swanhouse for now.."
What in the name of swan is happening?